Mr & Mrs V here!!!

Sorry for the delay in blogging.  The computer was accidentally left at the hotel in Michigan and we haven’t gotten it back as of yet. Kevin and I have been reluctantly working on getting back to the real world after being on vacation for two weeks.

St Thomas was wonderful and very relaxing.  We had the opportunity to spend one day on St Johns enjoying the beach and snorkeling. There is nothing better then forgetting all your responsibilities for a couple of days.

After St Thomas, we return home and then drove down to FL to meet the rest of the family.  We had a blast with everyone and wish that it could have last forever.

I’ll have to post pictures later as I’m having computer and camera problems.

  1. Congratulations!!! I am still waiting for pictures to see the proof 🙂 Greetings from the Strougos, I hope we can meet again soon!

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